Temporary Early Release
The Government is allowing individuals affected by the COVID-19 pandemic to access up to $10,000.00 of their superannuation benefits in the 2019/20 financial year and up to a further $10,000 in the 2020/21 financial year.
As the release of the benefits is not automatic, application must be made for the release of the benefits. To be eligible to apply for early release of superannuation benefits, an individual must have suffered adverse economic effects as a result of COVID-19.
An individual’s entitlement to apply for early release of superannuation benefits is detailed in a new addition to the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations 1994 (SIS Regulations), at reg 6.19B.
Effectively, the member will be eligible to apply if they:
are unemployed; or
are eligible to receive from Centrelink:
- jobseeker payment
- parenting payment;
- special benefit;
- youth allowance (unless a full time student or new apprentice);
- farm household allowance; or
on or after 1 January 2020:
- were made redundant, or
- had their working hours reduced by 20% or more; or
- being a sole trader, suffered:
* a business suspension; or
* a reduction in turnover of 20% or more.
A member may make 2 applications for early release of superannuation benefits, each for a maximum of $10,000.00 as follows:
one in the financial year to 30 June 2020; and
one in the 2020/21 financial year although the application must be made before 24 September 2020.
Application process
To apply for the early release of their superannuation benefits, whether as a member of an SMSF or a Public Offer Fund, the member is required to complete an application to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) through their myGov account.
Once received, the ATO will consider the application and, if approved, will provide a ‘determination’ to the member, confirming the authority to access the benefits, and the amount approved for release.
If the member’s benefits are with a Public Offer Fund, a copy of the determination will be sent to that fund, as well as an authority from the member to release the approved amount. However, if the member’s benefits are held by their SMSF, the ATO determination will be sent only to the member, who should then provide that to the trustee.
Action of the SMSF Trustee
The SMSF trustee should not act until it receives the ATO determination.
As with most trustee actions being contemplated, the trust deed should be reviewed to ensure it contains sufficient power for the trustee to make the payment(s).
In this instance, it is not a matter of whether or not the trustee will act - the ATO determination is a direction to the SMSF trustee, meaning that if the action is not authorised under the trust deed, the deed should be amended by the trustee to ensure it has the necessary authority, in addition to the ATO determination, to pay the benefit.
The process
Effectively the standard process is:
the member provides the ATO determination to the SMSF trustee; and
the trustee makes payment of the authorised amount.
However, as with most benefit payments, documentation is an important component of the process. Other than the ATO determination and a trust deed which empowers the payment, it is important the trustee has a documentation trail confirming the transaction, including:
correspondence from the member to the trustee providing:
- the ATO determination; and
- bank account details;
a resolution of the trustee noting the ATO determination and resolving to pay the authorised amount to the member’s nominated bank account; and
correspondence from the trustee to the member confirming the payment.
Waiting for the ATO determination
A benefit of an SMSF is that it is controlled by the members, in their capacity as trustees or directors of the trustee of the fund.
In the instance of accessing benefits, care needs to be taken not to access benefits before authorised to do so.
In regard to a member accessing benefits under the early access to superannuation provisions, it is very important to note that the trustee must not release benefits until they have received a copy of the ATO determination.
Benefits to be released
If an SMSF holds unrestricted non-preserved benefits for a member, the member may access those benefits at any time, so authority is not required to access that portion of their benefits.
The authority will, however, be required to access their preserved and restricted non-preserved benefits.
Transition to retirement income streams
Member benefits held in a Transition to Retirement Income Stream (TRIS) in the accumulation phase (a TRIS in retirement phase will comprise unrestricted non-preserved benefits) can be accessed under the early access to superannuation provisions.
Whilst the permitted benefit would be in addition to the maximum 10% income stream payment permitted, for the amount to be paid under the early release provisions the amount would need to be commuted from the TRIS to the accumulation account, and then paid to the member.
Otherwise, there is a risk that the pension standards could be breached through the payment in excess of 10% of the TRIS balance.
Although quite a simple process, the early access to superannuation provisions do contain some traps. In particular:
the trustee should wait for the ATO determination before paying the claimed benefit;
a determination is not required for benefits in retirement phase (or unrestricted non-preserved benefits in accumulation phase);
if the benefits are from a TRIS in accumulation phase, a partial commutation to the accumulation account should take place first;
the SMSF trust deed should permit the payment to be made; and
the interactions between the member and trustee regarding the early access to superannuation should be documented.
The above is provided solely for general information purposes and is not intended as professional advice. Readers should not act on the information contained therein without proper advice from a qualified professional.
Woodward & Co. Accountants and Advisors expressly disclaim all liability for any loss or damage to any person or organisation, whether a user of this site or not, for the consequences of anything done or omitted to be done by any such person relying on the contents of this information.
The matters contained above are factual information about taxation and statutory annual limits that may apply. We are not licensed financial advisers so we make no recommendation as to whether you should actually make, increase, or decrease superannuation contributions, or pay superannuation benefits. Superannuation funds are deemed to be “financial products” by the Corporations Law. Taxation is not the only consideration when considering investing in a financial product. You should consider seeking advice from the holder of an Australian Financial Services Licence. Please contact us if you require further information or clarification of the information presented or seek independent financial advice from a licensed financial adviser.